Friday, August 08, 2008


So I emailed my consultant on Thursday morning and told her that Wednesday night I managed to marry two different locks to locks close to them and me trying to get them out made the situation worse. I told her I was crying and cussing. I still don't understand how I managed to marry the different locks when I used my clips and made sure nothing was around them. Of course they are in the back of my head, so you can't see them, but I know they are there. In fact on one, I managed to get the two locks divorced and managed to marry them again. Dayum! So I told me consultant I am going to stick to my little assigned area in the front and my head would be looking a fool on Sept. 11th and I'd bring extra money. What? I messed up and I am so angry with myself. I thought I was being so careful. So last night no practice at all. Still mad. Of course my consultant is like calm down, no tears look how long it took me and it will take time and patience. That is why she only gives her trainees a little at a time to work on. I just hope I don't lose those locks in the back because of my mistake. (too dayum small anyway)!

Did I mentioned I am going to put a rinse in my hair by my 2 year anniversary to cover the lint in the back in that one row, which will be missing 2 locks?

Thanks for the support folks...I know it will get better with time, but I needed to vent.



At 6:38 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I can definitely understand your frustration. I've done the same thing many times. My consultant also said the same thing.

Patience is key... marrying locks together is inevitable but your consultant should be able to fix them.

Don't fret and practice makes perfect.

At 10:08 AM, Blogger Cashana said...

Meikmeika, I have pretty much tightened all the locks in my assigned side hairline w/no problems. I seem to have problem when I use the clips to hold the hair back. Go figure. I did marry another lock on my unassigned side, but it helped me to notice how I am marrying locks. So I keep practicing. You are right patience is key, my frustration comes from need to perfect things, so I gotta work on that. Also, some of my locks are way too small in front, and I know they are suppose to be, but my hair is not swelling and I think somemore are going to have to be combined to strengthen them. Thanks for reading my vent!

At 10:47 PM, Blogger Naturally Sophia said...

Hi Cashana! Your hair looks great. I had some consultants tighten my head all over and combine locks all randomly especially in the back. I am over it now and you will be too. Your consultant can definitely fix it. It's hard to get the mirrors right. I understand your frustration. I dont know anyone that hasn't had a lock combined unintentionally at some point.

At 10:59 PM, Blogger V @ Locks-N-Motion said...

Don't be so hard on yourself, you will get it down pack soon enough.
Your hair looks great.

Oh yeah it's me Sistalocd I have changed my name, if you want to update your list you can. My new link address is

At 7:32 PM, Blogger Cashana said...

Naturally Sophia - I finally realized I was trying to go too fast and thinking I would be perfect when I did my own hair. Learned rather quickly - patience is key. Thanks for understanding my frustration.

Brown buttahfly - I like the new name, seems to really fit you now. I'll update my links soon. I know with time I'll be almost a pro. Thanks for reading my vent, I am so over it now after I took a moment to recognize I will not be perfect.


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